

How to Build a SQL Injection Scanner in Python

How to Build a SQL Injection Scanner in Python

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from pprint import pprint

# initialize an HTTP session & set the browser
s = requests.Session()
s.headers["User-Agent"] =
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like 

def get_all_forms(url):

    """Given a `url`, it returns all forms from the HTML content"""
    soup = bs(s.get(url).content, "html.parser")
    return soup.find_all("form")

def get_form_details(form):
    This function extracts all possible useful information about an HTML `form`
    details = {}
    # get the form action (target url)
        action = form.attrs.get("action").lower()
        action = None
    # get the form method (POST, GET, etc.)
    method = form.attrs.get("method", "get").lower()
    # get all the input details such as type and name
    inputs = []
    for input_tag in form.find_all("input"):
        input_type = input_tag.attrs.get("type", "text")
        input_name = input_tag.attrs.get("name")
        input_value = input_tag.attrs.get("value", "")
        inputs.append({"type": input_type, "name": input_name, "value": input_value})
    # put everything to the resulting dictionary
    details["action"] = action
    details["method"] = method
    details["inputs"] = inputs
    return details

get_all_forms() uses BeautifulSoup library to extract all form tags from HTML and returns them as a Python list, whereas get_form_details() function gets a single form tag object as an argument and parses useful information about the form, such as action (the target URL), method (GETPOST, etc) and all input field attributes (typename and value).

Next, we define a function that tells us whether a web page has SQL errors in it, this will be handy when checking for SQL injection vulnerability:

def is_vulnerable(response):
    """A simple boolean function that determines whether a page 
    is SQL Injection vulnerable from its `response`"""
    errors = {
        # MySQL
        "you have an error in your sql syntax;",
        "warning: mysql",
        # SQL Server
        "unclosed quotation mark after the character string",
        # Oracle
        "quoted string not properly terminated",
    for error in errors:
        # if you find one of these errors, return True
        if error in response.content.decode().lower():
            return True
    # no error detected
    return False

Obviously, I can't define errors for all database servers. For more reliable checking, you need to use regular expressions to find error matches. Check this XML file which has many of them (used by the sqlmap utility).

Now that we have all the tools, let's define the main function that searches for all forms in the web page and tries to place quote and double quote characters in input fields:

def scan_sql_injection(url):
    # test on URL
    for c in "\"'":
        # add quote/double quote character to the URL
        new_url = f"{url}{c}"
        print("[!] Trying", new_url)
        # make the HTTP request
        res = s.get(new_url)
        if is_vulnerable(res):
            # SQL Injection detected on the URL itself, 
            # no need to preceed for extracting forms and submitting them
            print("[+] SQL Injection vulnerability detected, link:", new_url)
    # test on HTML forms
    forms = get_all_forms(url)
    print(f"[+] Detected {len(forms)} forms on {url}.")
    for form in forms:
        form_details = get_form_details(form)
        for c in "\"'":
            # the data body we want to submit
            data = {}
            for input_tag in form_details["inputs"]:
                if input_tag["type"] == "hidden" or input_tag["value"]:
                    # any input form that is hidden or has some value,
                    # just use it in the form body
                        data[input_tag["name"]] = input_tag["value"] + c
                elif input_tag["type"] != "submit":
                    # all others except submit, use some junk data with special character
                    data[input_tag["name"]] = f"test{c}"
            # join the url with the action (form request URL)
            url = urljoin(url, form_details["action"])
            if form_details["method"] == "post":
                res =, data=data)
            elif form_details["method"] == "get":
                res = s.get(url, params=data)
            # test whether the resulting page is vulnerable
            if is_vulnerable(res):
                print("[+] SQL Injection vulnerability detected, link:", url)
                print("[+] Form:")

Before extracting forms and submitting them, the above function checks for the vulnerability in the URL first, as the URL itself may be vulnerable. This is simply done by appending a quote character to the URL.

We then make the request using requests library and check whether the response content has the errors that we're searching for.

After that, we parse the forms and make submissions with quote characters on each form found, here is my run after testing on a known vulnerable web page:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = ""


[!] Trying"
[+] SQL Injection vulnerability detected, link:"

As you can see, this was vulnerable in the URL itself, but after I tested this on my local vulnerable server (DVWA), I got this output:


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