

 10 Best Ethical Hacking Books for Beginner to Advanced Hacker


Introduction to Ethical Hacking

The digital world is developing rapidly and furiously, and there is a need to secure data at every stage. Since everything – personal information, bank information, friends, family, etc. is shared online now, data has to be secure at every point. Many cybercriminals are looking for opportunities to steal confidential data for many purposes, including conflict of interest, national security breach, terrorist activities, and so on.

Ethical hacking services provide a solution to safeguard business and government networks from such attacks and provide high data security. We can prevent data from being stolen or misused through ethical hacking, identify vulnerabilities or weak points, implement secure networks, and protect the data. There are five main types of ethical hacking, and most of us know most of them:

  1. Web application hacking
  2. Web server hacking
  3. System hacking
  4. Wireless network hacking
  5. Social engineering

Each type of hacking requires certain skills, tools, and techniques, and the ethical hackers need to think just how an actual malicious hacker would for a thorough test. They should identify loopholes, know about penetration testing, use the appropriate tools to carry out the hack, and be prepared. Even if there is an actual attack, the loss is minimal.

Types of Hackers

Hacking is an exciting topic, and so are the hackers. That’s why there are different types of them based on their intentions:

  • White Hat Hacker: Well, these are the good guys or ethical hackers. They exploit the security systems to look for loopholes so that the ‘bad guys’ don’t do that. They have permission from respective companies to do so for the sole purpose of identifying potential security threats. Companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, that store sensitive data hire white-hat hackers.
  • Grey Hat Hacker: Grey-hat hackers are one step ahead of white-hat hackers and exploit the networks left and right to identify vulnerabilities and also correct them to get money from the organization. They do not have malicious intentions and inform the authorities and intelligence agencies about security loopholes that can be dangerous.
  • Black Hat Hacker: This type of hacker tries to gain unauthorized access into a network to compromise security systems, shutting down systems, and altering website functions. These hackers try to get access to personal data, financial data, and passwords.

10 Best Ethical Hacking Books

In the above introduction, we have tried to cover fundamental information about hacking. Once you start reading about hacking, you will be more interested in learning and understanding how things work, and nothing can beat books when it comes to learning! So, here we have the top 10 ethical hacking books, through which you will gain knowledge and be able to hack some systems and know the loopholes if any. Remember that ethical hacking means having permission to hack; otherwise, hacking is a serious offense.

Ethical Hacking Books for Beginner to Intermediate

1.Hands-on Ethical Hacking and Network Defense
Hands on ethical hacking

This is a solid foundational book for beginners and best books learn hacking including freshers who have no idea about networking, security, hacking, etc. The author uses simple and effective language and gives thorough explanations of the various concepts. It is mostly a theory book and doesn’t have much implementation or techniques explained. It is a good book to overview all the high-level hacking concepts like security testing, various tools, penetration testing techniques, mobile security, and ways to protect networks.


  • Easy to read and doesn’t go too much into technical details or implementations.
  • There are a lot of case scenarios and questions at the end of each chapter.
  • The book introduces many concepts and terminologies, and if you wish to read in-depth about any term or concept, you can supplement the learning using other resources or books.


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