

How to Make a Password Generator in Python

In this tutorial, we will make a command-line tool in Python for generating passwords. We will use the argparse module to make it easier to parse the command line arguments the user has provided. Let us get started.


Let us import some modules. For this program, we just need the ArgumentParser class from argparse and the random and secrets modules. We also get the string module which just has some collections of letters and numbers. We don't have to install any of these because they come with Python:

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import secrets
import random
import string

If you're not sure how the random and secrets modules works. Check this tutorial that covers generating random data with these modules.

Setting up the Argument Parser

Now we continue with setting up the argument parser. To do this, we create a new instance of the ArgumentParser class to our parser variable. We give the parser a name and a description. This information will appear if the user provides the -h argument when running our program, it will also tell them the available arguments:

# Setting up the Argument Parser
parser = ArgumentParser(
    prog='Password Generator.',
    description='Generate any number of passwords with this tool.'

We continue by adding arguments to the parser. The first four will be the number of each character type; numbers, lowercase, uppercase, and special characters, we also set the type of these arguments as int:

# Adding the arguments to the parser
parser.add_argument("-n", "--numbers", default=0, help="Number of digits in the PW", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-l", "--lowercase", default=0, help="Number of lowercase chars in the PW", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-u", "--uppercase", default=0, help="Number of uppercase chars in the PW", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--special-chars", default=0, help="Number of special chars in the PW", type=int

Next, if the user wants to instead pass the total number of characters of the password, and doesn't want to specify the exact number of each character type, then the -t or --total-length argument handles that:

# add total pw length argument
parser.add_argument("-t", "--total-length", type=int, 
                    help="The total password length. If passed, it will ignore -n, -l, -u and -s, " \
                    "and generate completely random passwords with the specified length")

The next two arguments are the output file where we store the passwords, and the number of passwords to generate. The amount will be an integer and the output file is a string (default):

# The amount is a number so we check it to be of type int.
parser.add_argument("-a", "--amount", default=1, type=int)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-file")

Last but not least, we parse the command line for these arguments with the parse_args() method of the ArgumentParser class. If we don't call this method the parser won't check for anything and won't raise any exceptions:

# Parsing the command line arguments.
args = parser.parse_args()

The Password Loop

We continue with the main part of the program: the password loop. Here we generate the number of passwords specified by the user.

We need to define the passwords list that will hold all the generated passwords:

# list of passwords
passwords = []
# Looping through the amount of passwords.
for _ in range(args.amount):

In the for loop, we first check whether total_length is passed. If so, then we directly generate the random password using the length specified:

    if args.total_length:


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